Last time, I'd got as far as adding the tabs for the carrying pole along the top. The pole itself will be in two parts, in a 'T' shape, and so will also pass up the centre of the back. To stop it blowing about and becoming difficult to carry, I also added two loops, made in the same way as the top tabs, to the back:
As with the tabs along the top, I made sure that these were stitched to the canvas, not just the top fabric. The pole will thread through them, and should make carrying the banner easier.
Next, I added a fringe along the bottom, and a woven tape with my name on at the top - inside the banner, so it won't be seen when it's finished, but I'll know it's there!
The very last thing to do is to add the top fabric - the part with the embroidery on. Firstly, I stitched it in place along the bottom edge, to anchor it:
I forgot to take any photos, but next I stitched the front fabric to the canvas, to ensure that the entire banner acts as one single item. This was easier to do than for the back as I could place the stitches where the appliqué is, so there was less chance of it being seen on the surface.
The front panel pinned in place:
I then ladder stitched it all the way round - and finished!
I'll post a photo of the finished piece tomorrow...
I just love witnessing your process. Your work is beautiful and inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThanks Leanne, that's really kind. I hope you find it useful!