Saturday 22 October 2011

The rest of the flowers on the left

I'm pressing ahead as fast as I can here, to try and get everything finished.  As such, I've got quite a lot more done, and have now added all the flowers on the left of the panel.

So, since last time, I've added a couple of ferns:

A cluster of wood avens:

Some leaves to go with them:

And one last fern on this side:

It really is starting to feel like the end is in sight now - it's getting quite exciting!


  1. Wow - you are moving fast. I guess it's all the practise.

    Did you notice that you have two "St Cuthbert's Banner" tags in your tag list? They are just opposite where I'm typing this comment, so I noticed. One has an apostrophe, one doesn't. Have fun re-tagging.

  2. You're probably right about the practice.

    I did know about the tags - that's down to the new version of Blogger being unable to handle apostrophes in tags; if I try and use one ('Cuthbert's'), I get an error message saying it won't accept the & symbol (and yes, I did mean to type &). I think there are one or two bugs Google need to iron out!

  3. Yes, great to have the end in sight. It's going to look wonderful!
